Here are my criteria for a political theology:

1. It must incorporate special and general revelation, since biblical law and creational law were designed to work together. Special revelation is the lens through which we interpret nature, but God never intended either form of revelation to stand alone (e.g., special revelation was given even before the fall). The scope of Scripture is comprehensive: all of Scripture is for all of life. But Scripture should be supplemented and complemented (of necessity) with what we glean from nature/natural revelation.

2. It must honor the comprehensive lordship of Christ over all nations and all of life (Psalm 2, etc), with the goal of producing Christendom (Christian civilization) comprised of fully discipled nations (the Great Commission). In a fallen world, the fulfillment of the Great Commission is necessary to the faithful fulfillment of the Creation Mandate.

3. It must respect the central role of the church in history and society, including the church’s mission to disciple the nations.

4. It must honor the legacy of Christendom, including the common law tradition and its offshoot in classical liberalism (while correcting the worst features of classical liberalism). Classical liberalism in its origins reflected both Christian and Enlightenment influences. It eventually became a rival to the gospel and to the church as an alternative ecclesiology/sociology, but it does have some features fully compatible with a biblical political theology that should be preserved.

5. It must respect the role of marriage and family as foundational to fulfilling the creation mandate. Marriage as ordained by God shoud be encouraged and defended. Children should be raised and educated covenantally.

6. It must respect the providential role God has given to nations and empires. National identity is recognized in Scripture which means patriotism (love for one's fatherland) can be good, though like all loves it must be regulated by Scriptural teaching (since nations can also become idols). At the same time, there are global empires in Scripture that operate with some degree of divine sanction, so not every feature of globalism is to be rejected.

7. It must respect and protect economic freedom. Markets should be, in principle, both free and limited. To be truly free, markets must operate within a moral framework. Further, markets are not absolute, and can be subordinated to other interests at times, particularly since there is no possibility of genuinely free (and fair) global market at present.

8. It must respect and apply the just war tradition. One of the fundamental functions of civil government is protection of the people. A strong military discourages other nations from being aggressive and thus serves the peace.

I've thought of different names for this combination of convictions - something like “missional theocracy” or “ecclesiocentric liberalism” but nothing has really stuck. There is more to say -- this is only a rough sketch -- but any biblical political theology will have to incorporate these features.